869-465-2013 / 600

Nisharma Rattan-Mack

Nisharma Rattan-Mack

Board Director

Ms. Rattan Mack is an Attorney at Law presently practicing as a Crown Counsel in the Attorney General’s Chambers. Over the last 10 years, in the AG’s Chambers, Ms. Rattan Mack has amassed a wealth of experience in the legal practice through appearances to represent the Government of St. Kitts & Nevis in the Magistrate Court, the High Court, and the Court of Appeal, providing legal advice to Ministries of Government and Government Departments, reviewing of draft Legislation to be tabled in Parliament, and, among other things, prepare and vet Government agreements. Ms. Rattan Mack has also represented the Attorney General’s Chambers on several critical Boards and Committees. Ms. Rattan Mack received her Bachelor of Laws (LLB) Hons from the University of the West Indies in 2010 and her Legal Education Certificate (LEC) from the Norman Manley School of Law in 2012. In addition to the Legal experience that Ms. Rattan Mack brings to the Board, she will also be an important link between the Board of Directors at SKELEC and the Attorney General’s Office.